. E S P A Ņ O L 

HARDANGLES Leader in the Packing Industry - The Best Products at the Lowest Price  - We make sure your goods arrive in perfect conditions. It is our main concern. -Contact us

HARDANGLES SAC is leader in Peru in the manufacturing and distribution of packaging products,among wich Plastic Corner Posts, plastic Straps,  Stretch Film and  metallics and plastic Buckles stand out. 
From its beginnings, this company has as a policy and a commitment not only to respect but to contribute to the enviromentīs protection, since their products are elaborated from plastic scrap.
This raw material is enhanced and recicled, and has an inocuity certificate
, thus making its products the best choice for transporting food such as fruit and vegetables among others.


Our concern in attending and serving our customers has been highly acknowledge and recognized in the millions of meters sold to the main and most important exporting firms, which makes our concern for Customerīs service to be permanent and better every time.

Aware that the exporting market is very dinamic and demanding, we count with a vast stock of our product at the lowest price.

Our company is prepared to deliver immediately its products toany point in Perú and the rest of the World.

To find out more details of our products, as well as to compare prices for your absolute satisfaction, contact us in: hardangles@embalajesperu.com

Visitor Number:

Phones Number: (5114) 2545545 - 2547985 Fax: (5114)2544466.
Nextel: 9818*5234 - 9818*5233
Address: Av. San Marcos 1290 – Los Huertos de Villa - Chorrillos – Lima - Perú
Email: hardangles@embalajesperu.com